Thursday, August 16, 2012

A New Blog Coming To a Place Near You!

So I have shared with some that I need a change of boutique name just so that it's not tied down to just baby stuff.

The new page is being worked on, slowly but surly, and you can view it here:

The new page won't be my primary until I am complete with the transition of moving over to the new address.

As of right now I am re-vamping my craft room so that I can get a better handle on the inventory stock and maybe a fresh start after selling a few things. Also, homeschooling will begin the 1st week of September, so please be patient as I spend some time getting that started as well.

Thank you for your support, and your patience!

Love in Christ,

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Puppy and Sports

Here are two cakes I made for dear friends who were both hosting a baby shower for family.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


There is just ONE DAY left before the little ones start the MDO program! Two full free days a week! Hmmm... what shall be on the table to create?! The possibilities are ENDLESS! Watch for the updates!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Prices, Shipping and Orders

This is such an exciting yet nervous time and am looking forward to see where this venture will go. Since I am still in the works of setting everything up with product and pricing, counting stock and preparing for sales the official order date will begin September 1, 2010. If you see something you like that is already made, or, if you would like to throw in some idea's of what you would like to have made, please feel free to email at

Thank you for your support!!

A Special Thanks!

I just wanted to post a quick Thank you and give honor where honor is due to a dear sweet lady friend who offered to take these photo's for me. (the ones that look very professional are her's) Thank you Christy for taking your talent and mixing it with your precious time and formulating beautiful photos for me. :) I am very grateful for your support! :)

Diaper Cakes

Diaper Wreaths